
Worksheet 2


February 10, 2025

This worksheet1 illustrates bagging for classification. For various classification methods, the bagging classifier is compared to the original classifier. We use datasets from the UCI Machine Learning repository; these are available in


1 Bagging of trees

Exercise 1 This exercise aims at predicting the presence of some type of structure in the ionosphere from radar data. Data are contained in the dataset Ionosphere


and will be analyzed using classification trees (packages rpart and rpart.plot):

  1. Using

read the description of the dataset. How many possible predictors does the dataset include and what are their types (continuous or categorical)? How many observations are there?

  1. Using the function sample, split the dataset into a training set (of size 201) and a test set (of size 150).

  2. Using the function rpart (with default parameters and no pruning), design —on the training set— a classification tree for predicting Class from all the other variables. Print a summary and a graphical representation of this procedure.

  3. Find the misclassification rate on the training set. Repeat the exercise on the test set. What do you learn by comparing both errors?

  4. With the aim to use it later with the function boot (from the package boot), write a function, of two arguments x and d, that

  • identifies the bootstrap sample with identifier d coming from the dataset x,
  • trains a classification tree on it, and
  • returns the resulting prediction for the test set (encode the prediction as 1 for “good” and 0 for “bad”)

Test the function with x being the training set obtained in Question 2 and d being an identifier obtained using the function sample.

  1. Aiming at a bagging approach, use the function written in the previous question to obtain predictions for the test set from \(B=100\) bootstrap samples. What is the resulting final prediction for the test set obtained from bagging? What is the resulting test error? Compare it with the test error obtained from the direct approach.

  2. Repeat the whole procedure \(M=100\) times (each time splitting randomly the original data set into a training set and a test set) to obtain 100 training errors, test errors and bagging test errors (use a for loop). Use boxplots to compare the distributions of these three types of errors.

2 Using the R package ipred

Exercise 2 This exercise will illustrate how the package ipred can be used for bagging. We will use the dataset PimaIndiansDiabetes:


The goal is to predict diabete from description of people in the Pima indians population.

  1. Using

read the description of the dataset. How many possible predictors does the dataset include and what are their types? How many observations are there?

  1. Using the same approach as in the previous exercise (with the package boot, test samples of size 300, \(B=100\) bootstrap samples, and \(M=100\) replicates of the splitting into training and test sets), use boxplots to compare the distributions of the three types of misclassification errors (train, test from the direct approach, and test from the bagging approach). Use the function system.time to evaluate how much time the whole procedure requires.

  2. In this question, the package ipred is used to obtain a bagging prediction.


Split the dataset into training and test sets of the same size as in Question 2 and use the function bagging to define a bagging classification procedure (still based on \(B=100\) bootstrap samples). Obtain the bagging predictions in the test set (use the function predict) and evaluate the corresponding test error. Obtain the out-of-bag (OOB) error (check the help page of the function bagging).

  1. Repeat this \(M=100\) times. In each replication, obtain
  1. the training error for a single classification tree,
  2. the corresponding test error,
  3. the bagging test error, and
  4. the OOB error.

Use the function system.time to evaluate much time the whole procedure requires; how does the computation time compare with the one in Question 2? Use boxplot to compare the distributions of the errors (a)–(d).

Remark. The package ipred can be used directly for bagging trees but it also provides a simple way to use bagging with other methods. For an example, see


3 Bagging with \(k\)NN

Exercise 3 This exercise will compare (the direct and bagging approaches for) \(k\)NN classifiers2 with (the direct and bagging approaches for) classification trees. \(k\)NN classifiers are known to be rather stable. The comparison will be carried out on a letter recognition problem:


The goal is to predict handwritten letters from a description of the images.

  1. Using
  1. Split the dataset into a test set and a training set, of respective sizes 6,000 and 14,000.

  2. Use the function rpart to fit a classification tree to the train set. Determine the resulting test error.

  3. Use the function bagging to obtain the bagging-of-trees test error (with \(B=100\) bootstrap samples).

  4. Use the function tune.knn of the package e1071 for tuning a \(k\)NN classifier with an optimal number of neighbors chosen between 1 and 10 with a 10-fold CV strategy. Check the help pages


and in particular the arguments k, tunecontrol (for tune.knn) and sampling and cross (for tune.control). What is the optimal number of neighbors found by CV?

  1. Use this optimal value of \(k\) to train a \(k\)NN classifier with the function knn (use the argument test to compute the predictions for the test set). Compute the resulting (direct) test error.

  2. Using the boot function, implement a bagging of \(k\)NN classifiers (keep throughout \(k\) equal to the optimal number above). Compute the resulting bagging test error.


  1. The content of this worksheet is strongly based on a worksheet designed by Nathalie Vialaneix and Davy Paindaveine.↩︎

  2. See if you do not know this method.↩︎