
From a course by Davy Paindaveine and Nathalie Vialaneix

Last updated on February 10, 2025

1 Introduction

  • Designed by Breiman (1996).
  • The bootstrap has other uses than those described in the last chapter.
  • In particular, it allows us to design ensemble methods in statistical learning.
  • Bagging (Bootstrap Aggregating), which is the most famous approach in this direction, can be applied to both regression and classification.
  • Below, we mainly focus on bagging of classification trees, but it should be clear that bagging of regression trees can be performed similarly.

2 Classification trees

2.1 The classification problem

  • In classification, one observes \((X_i,Y_i)\), \(i=1,\ldots,n\), where
    • \(X_i\) collects the values of \(p\) predictors on individual \(i\), and
    • \(Y_i\) \(\in\{1,2,\ldots,K\}\) is the class to which individual \(i\) belongs.
  • The problem is to classify a new observation for which we only see \(x\), that is, to bet on the corresponding value \(y \in \{1,2,\ldots,K\}\).
  • A classifier is a mapping \[\begin{eqnarray*} \phi_{\mathcal{S}}: \mathcal{X} & \to & \{1,2,\ldots,K\} \\[2mm] x & \mapsto & \phi_{\mathcal{S}}(x), \end{eqnarray*}\] that is designed using the sample \(\mathcal{S}=\{(X_i,Y_i), \ i=1,\ldots,n\}\).
channing <- channing[, c("sex", "entry", "time", "cens")]
n <- nrow(channing)
channing[sample(1:n, 4), ]
sex entry time cens
79 Male 1010 2 1
257 Female 941 3 0
246 Female 811 87 0
292 Female 979 37 0

Predict sex \(\in \{\text{Male}, \text{Female} \}\) on the basis of two numerical predictors (entry, time) and a binary one (cens).

2.2 Classification trees

In Chapter 3 of this course, we learned about a special type of classifiers \(\phi_{\mathcal{S}}\), namely classification trees (Breiman et al. 1984).

fitted.tree <- rpart(sex ~ .,
  data = channing,
  method = "class"

(+) Interpretability
(+) Flexibility
(–) Stability
(–) Performance

The process of averaging will reduce variability, hence, improve stability. Recall indeed that, if \(U_1,\ldots,U_n\) are uncorrelated with variance \(\sigma^2\), then \[ \text{Var}[\bar{U}]=\frac{\sigma^2}{n} \cdot \] Since unpruned trees have low bias (but high variance), this reduced variance will lead to a low value of \[ \text{MSE}=\text{Var}+(\text{Bias})^2 \] which will ensure a good performance.

How to perform this averaging?

3 Bagging of classification trees

3.1 Bagging

Denote as \(\phi_{\mathcal{S}}(x)\) the predicted class for predictor value \(x\) returned by the classification tree associated with sample \(\mathcal{S}=\{(X_i,Y_i), \ i=1,\ldots,n\}\).

Bagging of this tree considers predictions from \(B\) bootstrap samples \[\begin{matrix} \mathcal{S}^{*1} &=& ((X_1^{*1},Y_1^{*1}), \ldots, (X_n^{*1},Y_n^{*1})) & \leadsto & \phi_{\mathcal{S}^{*1}}(x) \\ \vdots & & & & \vdots \\ \mathcal{S}^{*b} &=& ((X_1^{*b},Y_1^{*b}), \ldots, (X_n^{*b},Y_n^{*b})) & \leadsto & \phi_{\mathcal{S}^{*b}}(x) \\ \vdots & & & & \vdots \\ \mathcal{S}^{*B} &=& ((X_1^{*B},Y_1^{*B}), \ldots, (X_n^{*B},Y_n^{*B})) & \leadsto & \phi_{\mathcal{S}^{*B}}(x) \\ \end{matrix}\] then proceeds by majority voting (i.e., the most frequently predicted class wins): \[ \phi_{\mathcal{S}}^\text{Bagging}(x) = \underset{k \in \{1, \ldots, K\}}{\operatorname{argmax}} \# \{ b:\phi_{\mathcal{S}^{*b}}(x)=k \} \]

3.2 Toy illustration: bagging with \(B=3\) trees

d <- sample(1:n, replace = TRUE)
fitted.tree <- rpart(sex ~ ., data = channing[d, ], method = "class")
Figure 1: Classification tree from the first bootstrap sample.
channing[1, 2:4]
entry time cens
782 127 1
predict(fitted.tree, channing[1, ],
  type = "class"
Levels: Female Male
d <- sample(1:n, replace = TRUE)
fitted.tree <- rpart(sex ~ ., data = channing[d, ], method = "class")
Figure 2: Classification tree from the second bootstrap sample.
channing[1, 2:4]
entry time cens
782 127 1
predict(fitted.tree, channing[1, ],
  type = "class"
Levels: Female Male
d <- sample(1:n, replace = TRUE)
fitted.tree <- rpart(sex ~ ., data = channing[d, ], method = "class")
Figure 3: Classification tree from the third bootstrap sample.
channing[1, 2:4]
entry time cens
782 127 1
predict(fitted.tree, channing[1, ],
  type = "class"
Levels: Female Male

For \(x=\,\)(entry, time, cens)\(\,= (782, 127, 1)\),

  • two (out of the \(B=3\) trees) voted for Male
  • one (out of the \(B=3\) trees) voted for Female,

the bagging classifier will thus classify \(x\) into Male.

Of course, \(B\) is usually much larger (\(B=500\)? \(B=1000\)?), which requires automating the process (through, e.g., the boot function).

4 How much do you gain?

4.1 A simulation

We repeat \(M=1000\) times the following experiment:

  1. Split the data set into a training set (of size 300) and a test set (of size 162);
    1. train a classification tree on the training set and evaluate its test error (i.e., misclassification rate) on the test set;
    2. do the same with a bagging classifier using \(B=500\) trees.

This provides \(M=1000\) test errors for the direct (single-tree) approach, and \(M=1000\) test errors for the bagging approach.

Figure 4: Results of the simulation (Q-Q plot and boxplot).

5 Estimating the prediction accuracy

5.1 Estimating the prediction (lack of) accuracy

Several strategies to estimate prediction accuracy of a classifier:

(1) Compute a test error (as above): Partition the data set \(\mathcal{S}\) into a training set \(\mathcal{S}_\text{train}\) (to train the classifier) and a test set \(\mathcal{S}_\text{test}\) (on which to evaluate the misclassification rate \(e_\text{test}\)).

(2) Compute an \(L\)-fold cross-validation error:

Partition the data set \(\mathcal{S}\) into \(L\) folds \(\mathcal{S}_{\ell}\), \(\ell=1,\ldots,L\). For each \(\ell\), evaluate the test error \(e_{\text{test},\ell}\) associated with training set \(\mathcal{S}\setminus\mathcal{S}_{\ell}\) and test set \(\mathcal{S}_{\ell}\).

Table 1: \(L\)-fold cross-validation framework.
Fold 1 Fold 2 Fold 3 Fold 4 Fold 5
Run \(\ell\)=1 Test Train Train Train Train
Run \(\ell\)=2 Train Test Train Train Train
Run \(\ell\)=3 Train Train Test Train Train
Run \(\ell\)=4 Train Train Train Test Train
Run \(\ell\)=5 Train Train Train Train Test

Then the (\(L\)-fold) ‘cross-validation error’ is: \[ e_\text{CV}=\frac{1}{L}\sum_{\ell=1}^L e_{\text{test},\ell} \]

(3) Compute the Out-Of-Bag (OOB) error1:

For each observation \(X_i\) from \(\mathcal{S}\), define the OOB prediction as \[ \phi_{\mathcal{S}}^\text{OOB}(X_i) = \underset{k\in\{1,\ldots,K\}}{\operatorname{argmax}} \# \{ b:\phi_{\mathcal{S}^{*b}}(X_i)=k \textrm{ and } (X_i,Y_i)\notin \mathcal{S}^{*b} \} \] This is a majority voting discarding, quite naturally, bootstrap samples that use \((X_i,Y_i)\) to train the classification tree. The OOB error is then the corresponding misclassification rate \[ e_\text{OOB}=\frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^n \mathbb{1}[ \phi_{\mathcal{S}}^\text{OOB}(X_i) \neq Y_i] \]

5.2 Final remarks

  • Bagging of trees can also be used for regression. The only difference is that majority voting is then replaced with an averaging of individual predicted responses.
  • Bagging is a general device that applies to other types of classifiers. In particular, it can be applied to \(k\)-NN classifiers (we will illustrate this in the practical sessions).
  • Bagging affects interpretability of classification trees. There are, however, solutions that intend to measure importance of the various predictors (see the next section).


Breiman, Leo. 1996. “Bagging Predictors.” Machine Learning 24 (2): 123–40.
Breiman, Leo, Jerome H. Friedman, Richard A. Olshen, and Charles J. Stone. 1984. Classification And Regression Trees. 1st ed. Routledge.